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  • Writer's pictureRiffat Naz

Listen !!!! God speaks

Date:      May  30th, 2024

Source: Bible New International Version

Job  ;  Chapter 42, verse  10-11

The Lord Speaks and Job replied


10 After Job had prayed for his friends, the Lord restored his fortunes and gave him twice as much as he had before. 11 All his brothers and sisters and everyone who had known him before came and ate with him in his house. They comforted and consoled him over all the trouble the Lord had brought on him, and each one gave him a piece of silver and a gold ring.

خدا وند کا ایوب کی دولت کو لوٹا نا

10 ایوب نے اپنے دوستوں کے لئے دعا کی۔ اور پھر خدا وند نے ایوب کو پھر سے کامیابی دی۔ خدا نے ایوب کو اسکا دو گنا دیا جتنا اسکے پاس پہلے تھا۔ 11 ایوب کے سبھی بھا ئی اور بہنیں اور سبھی لوگ جو پہلے ایوب کو جانتے تھے اسکے گھر آئے۔ ان سبھوں نے اسکے ساتھ کھا نا کھا یا اور ایوب کو تسلی دیئے۔ اور ان ساری مصیبتوں کے بارے میں جسے خدا وند نے ایوب پر لایا تھا افسوس ظا ہر کیا۔ ہر کسی نے ایوب کو چاندی کا ٹکڑا اور سونے کی انگوٹھی دیئے۔ 

My point of view about above verses

God told human race through Job that the fear of Lord is wisdom and to shun evil is understanding

Lord spoke with Job out of storm and asked him questions;

God told Job whatever under heavens belongs to Him - has anyone have claim against me,  When God answered Job He understood his own limitations and God's power and repented 

God told job’s friend that you people didn't speak truth about me as my servant did so now take bulls and seven rams and sacrifice a burnt offering for yourself and job will pray for you and I will accept his prayer and will not deal with you according to your foolishness- you have not spoken the truth about me as my servant job did- so they did as God told them and Lord accepted Job’s prayer

When Job prayed for his friends – God restored him his fortune and gave him as twice as he had before

May God give us wisdom to understand Him through His Word as He speaks with us through this - and apply it in our lives to have a blissful life on earth

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