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  • Writer's pictureRiffat Naz

Listen !!!! God speaks

Date:      Aug 27th  , 2024

 Isaiah 10, verse  12

Source: Bible New International Version

God’s Judgment on Assyria

12 When the Lord has finished all his work against Mount Zion and Jerusalem, he will say, “I will punish the king of Assyria for the willful pride of his heart and the haughty look in his eyes.

2 میرا مالک یروشلم اور کو ہ صیون کے خلاف جو کچھ کر نے کا منصوبہ بنایا ہے ان تمام کو پو را کرے گا۔ تب خدااسور کے بادشا ہ کو اس کا غرور اور اس کے دکھا وے کے لئے سزا دے گا۔ 

My point of view about above verses

God says I am sorry for Assyrian- who is rod of my anger & i will use them to punish Israelites 

I send Assyrians to a godless nation – who tramples them like a mud in the streets

God’s purpose is to use Assyrians to put an end to many nations

Assyrians says my commanders are like kings

When God use people they start taking it with pride - which is not liked by God - they should only think that they are servants of God 

God says I will punish the king of Assyria for the pride of his heart and arrogant look in his eyes

May God give us wisdom to understand Him through His Word as He speaks with us through this - and apply it in our lives to have a blissful life on earth

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