Date: March 4th , 2025
Jeremiah 8, verse 13
Source: Bible New International Version
Sin and Punishment
13 “‘I will take away their harvest,
declares the Lord.
There will be no grapes on the vine.
There will be no figs on the tree,
and their leaves will wither.
What I have given them
will be taken from them
13 “میں ان کے پھل اور فصلیں لے لوں گا
تا کہ ان کے یہاں کو ئی پکی فصل پھر سے نہ ہو۔” یہ پیغام خداوند کا ہے۔
“نہ تاک میں انگور لگیں گے اور نہ انجیر کے درخت میں انجیر۔
یہاں تک کہ پتیاں سو کھ جا ئیں گی اور مر جھا جا ئیں گی۔
میں ان چیزوں کو لے لوں گا جنہیں میں نے انہیں دیدی تھیں۔
My point of view about above verses
God told that bones of prophets, priests, kings and people of Judah will be taken out of graves and be exposed to sun and moon and stars whom they worship and remain on ground like dung and whoever remain alive will prefer death
God says if one falls - he get up, but people of Isreal are not getting up , not turning from theirs wicked ways
God says even birds know their time of migration but my people do not know what God wants from them
God said if you reject word of God you are not considered wise
He said i am going to punish you by giving your wives and fields to others
You say there is peace but its not there - i will punish you for your wrong words
I will take their harvest which i gave them
May God give us wisdom to understand Him through His Word as He speaks with us through this word and prophets - and apply it in our lives to have a blissful life on earth
