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  • Writer's pictureRiffat Naz

Listen !!!! God speaks

Date: June 21, 2020

Source: Bible New International Version

Leviticus 15 verse 19- 23

Discharges Causing Uncleanness

19 “‘When a woman has her regular flow of blood, the impurity of her monthly period will last seven days, and anyone who touches her will be unclean till evening.

20 “‘Anything she lies on during her period will be unclean, and anything she sits on will be unclean. 21 Anyone who touches her bed will be unclean; they must wash their clothes and bathe with water, and they will be unclean till evening. 22 Anyone who touches anything she sits on will be unclean; they must wash their clothes and bathe with water, and they will be unclean till evening. 23 Whether it is the bed or anything she was sitting on, when anyone touches it, they will be unclean till evening.

My point of view about above verses

For regular monthly period – woman will remain unclean for seven days and anyone who touches will be unclean till evening

During her monthly period on anything she sits or touches or someone touches her or touch the thing she sits must wash and bathe themselves with water but remain unclean till evening

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