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  • Writer's pictureRiffat Naz

Listen !!!! God speaks

Date: July 8th, 2020

Source: Bible New International Version

Leviticus 17 verse 5-7

5 This is so the Israelites will bring to the Lord the sacrifices they are now making in the open fields. They must bring them to the priest, that is, to the Lord, at the entrance to the tent of meeting and sacrifice them as fellowship offerings. 6 The priest is to splash the blood against the altar of the Lord at the entrance to the tent of meeting and burn the fat as an aroma pleasing to the Lord. 7 They must no longer offer any of their sacrifices to the goat idols to whom they prostitute themselves. This is to be a lasting ordinance for them and for the generations to come.’

My point of view about above verses

Israelites has to bring sacrifices to the priest at the entrance of tent of meeting as fellowship offerings. The priest has to splash the blood against the altar of the Lord and burn fat as an aroma pleasing to the Lord. They must not offer any of their sacrifices to goat idols – this is lasting ordinance for them and generations to come

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