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Listen !!!! God speaks

Writer's picture: Riffat NazRiffat Naz

Date: November 9th, 2020

Source: Bible New International Version

Leviticus 26 verse 23-26

Punishment for Disobedience

23 “‘If in spite of these things you do not accept my correction but continue to be hostile toward me, 24 I myself will be hostile toward you and will afflict you for your sins seven times over.

25 And I will bring the sword on you to avenge the breaking of the covenant. When you withdraw into your cities, I will send a plague among you, and you will be given into enemy hands.

26 When I cut off your supply of bread, ten women will be able to bake your bread in one oven, and they will dole out the bread by weight. You will eat, but you will not be satisfied.

اور اگر اِن باتوں پر بھی تُم میرے لِئے نہ سُدھرو بلکہ میرے خِلاف ہی چلتے رہو۔

(24)تو مَیں بھی تُمہارے خِلاف چلُوں گا اور مَیں آپ ہی تُمہارے گُناہوں کے لِئے تُم کو اَور سات گُنا مارُوں گا۔

(25)اور تُم پر ایک اَیسی تلوار چلواؤُں گا جو عہد شِکنی کا پُورا پُورا اِنتِقام لے لے گی اور جب تُم اپنے شہروں کے اندر جا جا کر اِکٹّھے ہو جاؤ تو مَیں وبا کو تُمہارے درمِیان بھیجُوں گا اور تُم غنِیم کے ہاتھ میں سَونپ دِئے جاؤ گے۔

(26)اور جب مَیں تُمہاری روٹی کا سِلسِلہ توڑ دُوں گا تو دس عَورتیں ایک ہی تنُور میں تُمہاری روٹی پکائیں گی اور تُمہاری اُن روٹِیوں کو تول تول کر دیتی جائیں گی اور تُم کھاتے جاؤ گے پر سیر نہ ہو گے۔

My point of view about above verses

God told Israelite that if they will not obey him and not live as per the law they will be punished - As there are rewards for obedience - there is punishment for dis-obedience also - & it is 7-times more than the sins committed -

God says if you will not change your ways because of the punishments i gave you then your misery will increase 7 times more - You will face famine, sword and will not have enough food to eat - Diseases will attack you. and You will be given into hands of your enemies

God will give these punishments if we will not obey Him - so lets obey Him to live a prosperous earthly life

Look How God punishes when people did not follow Him or obey him

Let God give us wisdom to understand his word and apply in our lives

We need to live in this world as God wants us to live - we have to do what he is telling us to do- as it is in our advantage in the long run

May God bless all those who are obeying His commandments

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