Date: April 21, 2019
Source: Bible New International Version
Exodus 4
13 But Moses said, “Pardon your servant, Lord. Please send someone else.”
14 Then the Lord’s anger burned against Moses and he said, “What about your brother, Aaron the Levite? I know he can speak well. He is already on his way to meet you, and he will be glad to see you. 15 You shall speak to him and put words in his mouth; I will help both of you speak and will teach you what to do. 16 He will speak to the people for you, and it will be as if he were your mouth and as if you were God to him. 17 But take this staff in your hand so you can perform the signs with it.”
My thoughts about above verses:
If God says us something and we refuse he may got angry as He became angry with Mosses. God can ask some people to act as God for other people as he asked Moses to act as God for his brother Aaron. God help people to speak and also what to do. To perform some signs God choose some special people as He selected Mosses