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  • Writer's pictureRiffat Naz

Listen!!!! God speaks

Date: June 10th, 2021

Source: Bible New International Version

Numbers 15 ; verse 17-21

17 The Lord said to Moses, 18 “Speak to the Israelites and say to them: ‘When you enter the land to which I am taking you 19 and you eat the food of the land, present a portion as an offering to the Lord. 20 Present a loaf from the first of your ground meal and present it as an offering from the threshing floor. 21 Throughout the generations to come you are to give this offering to the Lord from the first of your ground meal.

17اور خُداوند نے مُوسیٰؔ سے کہا کہ 18بنی اِسرائیل سے کہہ جب تُم اُس مُلک میں پُہنچو جہاں مَیں تُم کو لِئے جاتا ہُوں۔ 19اور اُس مُلک کی روٹی کھاؤ تو خُداوند کے حضُور اُٹھانے کی قُربانی گُذراننا۔ 20تُم اپنے پہلے گُوندھے ہُوئے آٹے کا ایک گِردہ اُٹھانے کی قُربانی کے طَور پر چڑھانا جَیسے کھلیہان کی اُٹھانے کی قُربانی کو لے کر اُٹھاتے ہو وَیسے ہی اِسے بھی اُٹھانا۔ 21تُم اپنی پُشت در پُشت اپنے پہلے ہی گُوندھے ہُوئے آٹے میں سے کُچھ لے کر اُسے خُداوند کے حضُور اُٹھانے کی قُربانی کے طَور پر گُذراننا۔

My point of view about above verses

God told Moses said Israelites that when you enter the land which I am giving you and you eat the food of the land, present a portion as an offering to the Lord – Present a loaf from the first of your ground meal – an offering from the threshing floor- Through out the generation you have to give this offering from the first of your ground meal-

God wants offerings from us - we have to offer Him as per his laws and regulations

Let God give us wisdom to understand His word and help us to apply it in our lives

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