Date: November 2nd, 2021
Source: Bible New International Version
Deuteronomy 2 ; verse 9, 16 -19
9 Then the Lord said to me, “Do not harass the Moabites or provoke them to war, for I will not give you any part of their land. I have given Ar to the descendants of Lot as a possession.”
16 Now when the last of these fighting men among the people had died, 17 the Lord said to me, 18 “Today you are to pass by the region of Moab at Ar. 19 When you come to the Ammonites, do not harass them or provoke them to war, for I will not give you possession of any land belonging to the Ammonites. I have given it as a possession to the descendants of Lot.”
سرا ئیل ملک عار میں
9 “خداوند نے مجھ سے کہا ، ’مو آب کے لوگوں کو پریشان نہ کرو ان کے خلاف لڑا ئی نہ چھیڑو میں ان کی کو ئی زمین تم کو نہیں دو ں گا۔ وہ لو ط کی نسلیں ہیں اور میں نے انہیں عار کا ملک دیا ہے۔‘”
16 “جب سب جنگجو مر گئے ' 17 تب خداوند نے مجھ سے کہا ، 18 آج تمہیں عار شہر سے ہو کر موآب کی سرحد کو پا ر کرنا ہو گا۔ 19 جب تم عمّونی لوگوں کے نزدیک پہو نچو تو انہیں تنگ نہ کرنا ان سے لڑنا نہیں۔ کیوں کہ میں تمہیں ان کی زمین نہیں دوں گا۔ کیوں کہ میں نے وہ زمین لو ط کی نسلوں کو ان کے پاس رکھنے کے لئے دی ہے۔”‘
My point of view about above verses
God told Moses don’t harass Moabites for I will not give you any part of their land. As this land ha been given to descendants of Lot
God told Moses don’t harass Ammonites in the region of Moab at Ar as I will not give you possessions of any land as I have given it as a possession to the descendants of Lot
Lot was nephew of Abraham and He was on footsteps of Abraham so God take care of his descendants while giving land to Israelites (Abraham's descendants)
God wants us to take care of our relatives who obey God , Let God give us wisdom to understand his word and apply it in our lives - As this is the Word of God through which we recognize Him
