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Listen !!!! God speaks

Writer's picture: Riffat NazRiffat Naz

Date: February 16th, 2022

Source: Bible New International Version

Deuteronomy 25 ; verse 5 - 6

5 If brothers are living together and one of them dies without a son, his widow must not marry outside the family. Her husband’s brother shall take her and marry her and fulfill the duty of a brother-in-law to her. 6 The first son she bears shall carry on the name of the dead brother so that his name will not be blotted out from Israel.

5 “اگر دو بھا ئی ایک ساتھ رہ رہے ہو ں اور ان میں سے ایک لا ولد مرجا ئے تو مرحوم بھا ئی کی بیوی کی شادی خاندان کے با ہر کے کسی اجنبی کے ساتھ نہیں ہونی چا ہئے۔ شوہر کا بھا ئی اسے اپنی بیوی بنا لے۔ اس کے شوہرکے بھا ئی کو اس کے ساتھ شوہر کے بھا ئی کا فرض پو را کرنا چا ہئے۔ 6 تب جو پہلو ٹھا بیٹا اس سے پیدا ہو گا مرحوم بھا ئی کی جگہ لے گا۔ تب مرحوم بھا ئی کا نام اسرائیل سے مٹایا نہیں جا ئے گا۔

My point of view about above verses

If brothers are living together and one of them dies without a son – then his widow must not marry outside family – the other brother should marry her – the first son born from them shall carry the name of dead brother so that his name will not wipe out from Israel

God wants us to take care of our names to be preserved in world, so we need to live as per His requirements as in the long run - it is in benefit of human beings

Our God want us to spend a joyful life on earth, only we need to follow what He says and believe me there is happiness around us - Righteous acts brings happiness for us - Lets do and enjoy life

-These are the orders given by God for our ultimate good and we all have to follow

May God give us wisdom to understand His Word and apply it in our lives

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