Date: December 15th, 2022
Source: Bible New International Version
1Samuel ; Chapter 3 Verse 11-14
The Lord Calls Samuel
11 And the Lord said to Samuel: “See, I am about to do something in Israel that will make the ears of everyone who hears about it tingle. 12 At that time I will carry out against Eli everything I spoke against his family—from beginning to end. 13 For I told him that I would judge his family forever because of the sin he knew about; his sons blasphemed God, and he failed to restrain them. 14 Therefore I swore to the house of Eli, ‘The guilt of Eli’s house will never be atoned for by sacrifice or offering.’”
11 خداوند نے سموئیل سے کہا ، “میں بہت جلد اسرا ئیل میں کچھ کروں گا۔ جو لوگ اس کے متعلق سنیں گے تو انہیں حیرت ہو گی۔ 12 میں ہر وہ چیز شروع سے آخر تک کروں گا جو پیشین گوئی میں نے عیلی اور اس کے خاندان کے بارے میں کی تھی۔ 13 میں نے عیلی سے کہا کہ میں اس کے خاندان کو ہمیشہ کے لئے سزا دوں گا۔ میں وہ کروں گا کیوں کہ اس کو معلوم ہے کہ اس کے بیٹے غلط کر رہے ہیں۔ لیکن وہ ان کوقابو کرنے میں ناکام رہا۔ 14 اسی لئے میں نے وعدہ کیا کہ قربانیاں اور اجناس کے نذرانے عیلی کے خاندان سے گناہوں کو کبھی دور نہیں کریں گے۔”
My point of view about above verses
Eli said to his sons that if someone sin against another man – God may mediate for the offender but if anyone sins against Lord- who will intercede for them – but they didn't listen to their father as it was Lord’s will to put them to death
God wants us to give him importance more than anything in the world - worship Him, offer Him and all will go well with us - otherwise be prepared for punishment as God punished Eli and his sons and raised Samuel up for priesthood
Lord called Samuel - how wonderful is it if God calla us - as He called Samuel by name
Lord called Samuel fourth time and he heard and responded as Eli told him to say God - Lord speak your sevant is listening - This was Samuel response to God
God told Samuel that guilt of Eli’s house will never be apologized – I would judge his house forever because of the sin he knew – his sons was blaspheming God and he failed to restrain them
This story depicts duty of high preists towards their families and to keep their children in fear of God
May God give us wisdom to understand Him through His Word as He speaks with us through this - and apply it in our lives to have a blissful life on earth