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  • Writer's pictureRiffat Naz

Listen !!!! God speaks

Date: February 6th, 2023

Source: Bible New International Version

1Samuel ; Chapter 15 Verse 30-34

30 Saul replied, “I have sinned. But please honor me before the elders of my people and before Israel; come back with me, so that I may worship the Lord your God.” 31 So Samuel went back with Saul, and Saul worshiped the Lord.

32 Then Samuel said, “Bring me Agag king of the Amalekites.”

Agag came to him in chains.And he thought, “Surely the bitterness of death is past.”

33 But Samuel said,

“As your sword has made women childless,

so will your mother be childless among women.”

And Samuel put Agag to death before the Lord at Gilgal.

34 Then Samuel left for Ramah, but Saul went up to his home in Gibeah of Saul. 35 Until the day Samuel died, he did not go to see Saul again, though Samuel mourned for him. And the Lord regretted that he had made Saul king over Israel.

30 ساؤل نے جواب دیا ، “ہاں ، میں نے گنا ہ کیا لیکن براہِ کرم میرے ساتھ واپس آؤ۔ بنی اسرا ئیلیوں اور قائدین کے سامنے مجھے عزت دو۔ میرے ساتھ واپس آؤ تا کہ میں خداوند تمہا رے خدا کی عبادت کروں۔ ” 31 سموئیل ساؤل کے ساتھ واپس گیا اور ساؤل نے خداوند کی عبادت کی۔

32 سموئیل نے کہا ، “عمالیقیوں کے بادشاہ اجاج کو میرے پاس لا ؤ۔”

اجاج سموئیل کے پاس آیا۔ اجاج زنجیروں سے بندھا تھا ، “اجاج نے سوچا یقیناً اب موت کا خطرہ ٹل گیا۔”

33 لیکن سموئیل نے اجاج سے کہا ، “تمہا ری تلوار وں نے بچوں کو ان کی ماؤں سے چھینا ہے اس لئے اب تمہا ری ماں کا بچہ نہ رہے گا ” اور جلجال میں سموئیل نے خداوند کے سامنے اجاج کے ٹکڑے ٹکڑے کر دیئے۔

34 تب سموئیل رامہ چلا گیا اور ساؤل واپس اپنے گھر جبعہ چلا گیا۔

My point of view about above verses

Samuel told Saul that God say as I have anointed you as king over my people so that you have to fight Amalekites and totally destroy all that belongs to them. Don’t spare them put to death men and women, children and infants and all type of cattle

Saul didn’t destroy cattle of Amalekites

As soldiers spared the best cattle's to sacrifice to the Lord

God told Samuel why Saul didn't obey my command fully to destroy Amaleks and their belongings completely

God became angry with Saul as he did not act fully on the instructions given by God

Wr need to obey God with our heart, mind, soul and body and do not offer him anything from loot

God does not take delight in sacrifices as much as to obey Him

So Samuel told Saul as you have rejected the word of the God so he has rejected you as a king of Israelites

When Saul take a hold of Samuel robe and it tored – he said God torn the kingdom of Israel from you and given to your neighbor who is better than you, who don’t come under the influence of men or lie as He who is glory of Israel does not lie or change his mind for he is not a human being that he should change his mind

God regrets that he made Saul, King on Israel

May God give us wisdom to understand Him through His Word as He speaks with us through this - and apply it in our lives to have a blissful life on earth

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