Date: July 31st , 2023
Source: Bible New International Version
1 Kings ; Chapter 21 Verse 25- 29
Naboth’s Vineyard
25 (There was never anyone like Ahab, who sold himself to do evil in the eyes of the Lord, urged on by Jezebel his wife. 26 He behaved in the vilest manner by going after idols, like the Amorites the Lord drove out before Israel.)
27 When Ahab heard these words, he tore his clothes, put on sackcloth and fasted. He lay in sackcloth and went around meekly.
28 Then the word of the Lord came to Elijah the Tishbite: 29 “Have you noticed how Ahab has humbled himself before me? Because he has humbled himself, I will not bring this disaster in his day, but I will bring it on his house in the days of his son.”
5 دوسرے کسی آدمی نے اتنی برائیاں اور گناہ نہیں کئے جتنی کہ اخی اب نے۔ اس کے ان چیزوں کے کرنے کا سبب اس کی بیوی ایز بل تھی۔ 26 اخی اب نے بہت بڑا گناہ کیا اور ان لکڑی کے ٹکڑوں ( بُتوں) کی عبادت کی۔ یہ وہی چیز تھی جو اموری لوگوں نے کی تھی۔ اور خدا وند نے ان سے زمین لے لی اور بنی اسرائیلیوں کو دی۔
27 ایلیاہ کے کہنے کے بعد اخی اب بہت غمگین تھا اس نے اپنے کپڑے پھا ڑ لئے تھے یہ بتا نے کے لئے کہ وہ غمزدہ ہے۔ تب اس نے خاص سوگ کے کپڑے ڈال لیا۔ اخی اب نے کھا نے سے انکار کیا وہ اسی خاص کپڑوں میں سو گیا اخی اب بہت غمزدہ اور پریشان تھا۔
28 خدا وند نے ایلیاہ نبی سے کہا۔ 29 “کیا تم دیکھتے ہو کہ اخی اب میرے سامنے کتنا خاکسار ہوگا۔ اس وجہ سے میں اس کی پوری زندگی میں مصیبت نہ آنے دونگا۔ اس کا
بیٹا کے بادشاہ بننے تک میں انتظار کروں گا۔ تب پھر میں اخی اب کے خاندان پر مصیبت کا سبب بنوں گا۔”
My point of view about above verses
Its God who leads his people through his prophets - who spoke to kings on behalf of God - Our aim should be to stay in touch with Him to ask
God told Elijah go and tell Ahab king of Israel that you have murdered a man to take possession of his vineyard – now see dogs will lick your blood where they liked up Naboths’s blood whom you murdered
Elijah told Ahab that God says I will wipe out your descendants and cut off all males whether free or slave – as you caused Israel to sin and aroused my anger
God told about Ahab’s wife that dogs will eat her too as she plan for Ahab- king of Israel
Dogs will eat Ahab’s belongings who die in city – and birds will feed who die in the country
When Ahab humbled himself before the Lord, he tore his clothes, put on sack cloth and fasted and went around meekly – so God became merciful towards him and said to Elijah as he humbled himself and repent so I will not bring the disaster on his house now but in the days of his son
If we do something un-justly to people whom God has given us in our authority - then God will re-pay us for that un-just behaviour to conduct our day - to day life
whoever partakes in planing to do bad will suffer too God's wrath & whoever repent and humble himself, God will repay by goodness
Its God only who is all knowing and He tells us what to do and how to procced
May God give us wisdom to understand Him through His Word as He speaks with us through this - and apply it in our lives to have a blissful life on earth