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  • Writer's pictureRiffat Naz

Listen !!!! God speaks

Date:      July 22nd  , 2024

 Isaiah 6, verse  8

Source: Bible New International Version

8 Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?”

And I said, “Here am I. Send me!”

8 اس کے بعد میں نے اپنے خدا وند کی آواز سنی۔ خدا وند نے کہا، “میں کسے بھیج سکتا ہوں؟ ہمارے لئے کون جائے گا ؟ ”

اس لئے میں نے کہا، “میں یہاں ہوں مجھے بھیج !”

My point of view about above verses

God is asking whom shall I send and who will go for us

Before using people for his purpose God asks - as he asked Isaiah and He sais i am ready to go 

May God give us wisdom to understand Him through His Word as He speaks with us through this - and apply it in our lives to have a blissful life on earth

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