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Listen !!!! God speaks

Writer's picture: Riffat NazRiffat Naz

Date:      February 19th , 2025

 Jeremiah 7, verse  27-28

Source: Bible New International Version

27 “When you tell them all this, they will not listen to you; when you call to them, they will not answer. 28 Therefore say to them, ‘This is the nation that has not obeyed the Lord its God or responded to correction. Truth has perished; it has vanished from their lips.

27 “اے یرمیاہ! تم یہودا ہ کے لوگوں سے یہ باتیں کہو گے۔ لیکن وہ تمہا ری ایک نہ سنیں گے۔ تم ان سے باتیں کرو گے، لیکن وہ تمہیں جواب بھی نہیں دیں گے۔ 28 اس لئے تمہیں ان سے یہ باتیں کہنی چا ہئے۔ یہ وہ قوم ہے جس نے خداوند اپنے خدا کا حکم قبول نہیں کیا ان لوگوں نے خدا کی تعلیمات کو ان سنی کیا۔ یہ لوگ صحیح تعلیم سے نا وا قف ہیں۔ 

My point of view about above verses

God told Jeremiah that stand at the gate of Lord’s house and proclaim this message

God says do not think that you are in my tample and do whatever you want rather

do good with widows, fatherless and foreigners, do not shed innocent blood and deal justly and do not worship other gods then i will let you live near my tample  

God said you will steal, murder and lie and then enter my house - do you thinks its a place of living for robers - i am watching you 

God said i will destroy this temple as i destroyed before and throw you out as i throw out people of Epharim 

God said all family members are together to worship other gods like queen of heaven - so do not ask any favour for such people - they are thinking that they are harming me - but not they are actually harming themselves

So I will put my wrath on this place and all living beings because of their wickedness 

God says i want my people to obey me than offering sacrifices and burnt offerings and be on the way which i tell them to walk 

They will not listen and answer to you Jeremiah as its nation who do not want to correct themselves 

May God give us wisdom to understand Him through His Word as He speaks with us through this word and prophets - and apply it in our lives to have a blissful life on earth

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