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  • Writer's pictureRiffat Naz

Listen !!!! God speaks

Date: November 30th, 2020

Source: Bible New International Version

Numbers 2 ; verse 17

The Arrangement of the Tribal Camps

17 Then the tent of meeting and the camp of the Levites will set out in the middle of the camps. They will set out in the same order as they encamp, each in their own place under their standard

17)پِھر خَیمۂِ اِجتماع مع لاوِیوں کی چھاؤنی کے جو اَور چھاؤنیوں کے بِیچ میں ہو گی آگے جائے اور جِس طرح سے لاوی ڈیرے لگائیں اُسی طرح سے وہ اپنی اپنی جگہ اور اپنے اپنے جھنڈے کے پاس پاس چلیں۔

My point of view about above verses

God told Moses in Mount Sinai after one year of their exodus / departure from Egypt to count all Israelite by tribes and encamp around tabernacle - As tabernacle was in middle - the twelve tribes of Israelite has to arrange themselves as East, West, South and north - God started from East side and tell tribe of Judah to encamp east side of tabernacle having a number of 74, 600 followed by two other tribes Issachar and Zebulun having numbers of 54, 400 and 57,400 respectively- So total number of Judah division is 186, 400 encamping towards east of tabernacle -

This division is first to move - God also tells the names of leaders who can lead their men-

Then God told for South side that tribe of Ruben having number of 46,500 followed by tribe of Simon and Gad with numbers of 59,300 and 45, 650 - so total number of Ruben division is 151,450 encamping towards south side of tabernacle

This division is 2nd to move - God also tells the names of leaders who can lead their men-

The tribe of Levi is to encamp in the middle of all tribes and near the tabernacle - They need to move after the division of Judah and Ruben - So Levites are selected to take care of tabernacle stuff - The king of Canaan has to face an organized army and not a mob

So God started the journey of Israelite from Egypt to Canaan in an organized manner and not like a mob

God tells them that how to organize themselves to achieve the goals - He is organized God and want us to organize our lives as per his laws

Let God give us wisdom to understand his word and apply it in our lives

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