Date: June 13th, 2021
Source: Bible New International Version
Numbers 15 ; verse 22- 26
Offerings for Unintentional Sins
22 “‘Now if you as a community unintentionally fail to keep any of these commands the Lord gave Moses— 23 any of the Lord’s commands to you through him, from the day the Lord gave them and continuing through the generations to come— 24 and if this is done unintentionally without the community being aware of it, then the whole community is to offer a young bull for a burnt offering as an aroma pleasing to the Lord, along with its prescribed grain offering and drink offering, and a male goat for a sin offering.25 The priest is to make atonement for the whole Israelite community, and they will be forgiven, for it was not intentional and they have presented to the Lord for their wrong a food offering and a sin offering. 26 The whole Israelite community and the foreigners residing among them will be forgiven, because all the people were involved in the unintentional wrong.
22اور اگر تُم سے بُھول ہو جائے اور تُم نے اُن سب حُکموں پر جو خُداوند نے مُوسیٰؔ کو دِئے عمل نہ کِیا ہو۔ 23یعنی جِس دِن سے خُداوند نے حُکم دینا شرُوع کِیا اُس دِن سے لے کر آگے آگے جو کُچھ حُکم خُداوند نے تُمہاری نسل در نسل مُوسیٰؔ کی معرفت تُم کو دِیا ہے۔ 24اُس میں اگر سہواً کوئی خطا ہو گئی ہو اور جماعت اُس سے واقِف نہ ہو تو ساری جماعت ایک بچھڑا سوختنی قُربانی کے لِئے گُذرانے تاکہ وہ خُداوند کے حضُور راحت انگیز خُوشبُو ہو اور اُس کے ساتھ شرع کے مُطابِق اُس کی نذر کی قُربانی اور اُس کا تپاون بھی چڑھائے اور خطا کی قُربانی کے لِئے ایک بکرا گُذرانے۔ 25یُوں کاہِن بنی اِسرائیل کی ساری جماعت کے لِئے کفّارہ دے تو اُن کو مُعافی مِلے گی کیونکہ یہ محض بُھول تھی اور اُنہوں نے اُس بُھول کے بدلے وہ قُربانی بھی چڑھائی جو خُداوند کے حضُور آتِشِین قُربانی ٹھہرتی ہے اور خطا کی قُربانی بھی خُداوند کے حضُور گُذرانی۔ 26تب بنی اِسرائیل کی ساری جماعت کو اور اُن پردیسِیوں کو بھی جو اُن میں رہتے ہیں مُعافی مِلے گی کیونکہ جماعت کے اِعتبار سے یہ سہواً ہُؤا۔
My point of view about above verses
If community fails to keep any commandments given by God unintentionally – then the whole community has to offer a young bull for a burnt offering as an aroma pleasing to the Lord along with its prescribed grain offering and drink offering and a male goat for sin offering – The priest has to make atonement for the whole Israelites community and the foreigners residing among them – and they will be forgiven as all the people are involved in unintentional wrong
To be forgiven, offering is a price to pay to God almighty - although he is merciful but He wants us (whole community) to obey him and if we do some mistakes unintentionally - we have to present him offerings to be forgiven - so here God is concerned about whole community and not a single person - He wants that all his people should obey Him
Let God give us wisdom to understand His word and help us to apply it in our lives
