Date: July 12th, 2021
Source: Bible New International Version
Numbers 18 ; verse 30-32
Offerings for Priests and Levites
30 “Say to the Levites: ‘When you present the best part, it will be reckoned to you as the product of the threshing floor or the winepress. 31 You and your households may eat the rest of it anywhere, for it is your wages for your work at the tent of meeting. 32 By presenting the best part of it you will not be guilty in this matter; then you will not defile the holy offerings of the Israelites, and you will not die.’”
30 “موسیٰ ! لا ویوں سے یہ کہو کہ جب وہ اپنے حاصل کئے ہو ئے میں سے سب سے اچھا حصّہ پیش کرتا ہے تو ایسا سمجھا جا ئیگا جیسا کہ وہ مجھے خود سے پیدا کئے ہو ئے اناج یا مئے کا نذرانہ پیش کیا۔ 31 جو بچ جائیگا اسے تم اور تمہا رے خاندان کے آدمی جہاں کہیں چا ہو کھا سکتے ہیں۔ یہ تم لوگوں کے اسکا م کے لئے ادائیگی ہے جو تم لوگ خیمٴہ اجتماع میں کرتے ہو۔ 32 اور اگر تم ہمیشہ اس کا بہترین حصّہ خداوند کو دیتے رہو گے تو تم کبھی قصوروار نہیں ہو گے۔ تم بنی اسرائیلیوں کی مقدّس نذر کے ساتھ گناہ نہیں کرو گے اور تم نہیں مرو گے۔”
My point of view about above verses
God gave Levities all the tithes of Israelites which they offered to God, in return for the work they perform at tent of meeting. They have no inheritance among Israelites only tithes are their share.
God told Moses that Levites should give best part from their share to God, it considers as they themselves has produced it, they and their household may eat rest of it and not defile the holy offerings of Israelites. And they will not die
How wonderful is for priests that God is their share as their inheritance - Let they be faithful to God to be worthy of this inheritance -
Thus all offerings to Lord belongs to Priests and their family members, and caretakers- this is arrangement of living made by God for priests and their families so that they can serve whole- heartedly to Him - we need to give our offerings to priests to obey God and priests has to offer best part from it to God
Let God give us wisdom to understand His word and help us to apply it in our lives
