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Listen !!!! God speaks

Writer's picture: Riffat NazRiffat Naz

Date: November 16th, 2021

Source: Bible New International Version

Deuteronomy 11 ; verse 16-17

16 Be careful, or you will be enticed to turn away and worship other gods and bow down to them. 17 Then the Lord’s anger will burn against you, and he will shut up the heavens so that it will not rain and the ground will yield no produce, and you will soon perish from the good land the Lord is giving you.

6 لیکن ہو شیار رہو۔ اپنے آ پ کو لا لچ میں پھنسا کر دیوتا ؤں کی پرستش اورخد مت کرنے کے لئے انکی طرف مُڑ نے نہ دو۔ 17 اگر تم ایسا کرو گے تو خداوند تم پر غصّہ کریگا وہ آسمان کو بند کر دیگا اور بارش نہیں ہو گی زمین سے فصل نہیں اُ گے گی اور تم اس اچھے ملک میں جلد مر جا ؤ گے جسے خداوند تمہیں دے رہا ہے۔

My point of view about above verses

God will keep his covenant of love with you as he swore to your ancestors if you follow His laws carefully – God promised that if you obey my commands and server me and love me whole heartedly – then I will send rain on your land in its season – both autumn and spring rains – so that you can gather your grains, new wine and olive oil – I will provide fodder for your cattle – you will eat and be satisfied

But if you turn away to other gods, your blessings will stop - & you will perish

If we remain faithful to God, He will never abandons us rather bless us with health and worldly blessings

Let God give us wisdom to understand His word and apply it in our lives - As this is the Word of God through which we recognize Him



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