Date: January 13th, 2022
Source: Bible New International Version
Deuteronomy 23 ; verse 9-11
Uncleanness in the Camp
9 When you are encamped against your enemies, keep away from everything impure. 10 If one of your men is unclean because of a nocturnal emission, he is to go outside the camp and stay there. 11 But as evening approaches he is to wash himself, and at sunset he may return to the camp.
فوجوں کے خیمہ کو صاف رکھنا
9 “جب تمہا ری فوج دشمن کے خلا ف جا ئے تب تم ان سبھی چیزوں سے دور رہو جو تمہیں نجس بنا تی ہیں۔ 10 اگر کو ئی ایسا آدمی ہے جو رات میں احتلام ہو نے کی وجہ سے ناپاک ہو گیا تو اسے خیمہ کے باہر چلاجانا چا ہئے اوروہیں ٹھہرنا چا ہئے۔ 11 لیکن جب شام ہو تب اس آدمی کو نہانا چا ہئے اور جب سورج غروب ہو تو وہ خیمہ میں جا سکتا ہے۔
My point of view about above verses
If you are camping against your enemies then stay away from everything which is impure- if a man becomes unclean because of night time emission – he has to stay outside the camp till evening – then evening time he has to wash himself and at sunset he may return to camp
God wants us to physically clean as He is holy and wants us to be clean and holy
This is our God - so we should behave
-These are the orders given by God for our ultimate good and we all have to follow
May God give us wisdom to understand his word and apply it in our lives
