Date: March 17th, 2022
Source: Bible New International Version
Deuteronomy 28 ; verse 25-29
Curses for Disobedience
25 The Lord will cause you to be defeated before your enemies. You will come at them from one direction but flee from them in seven, and you will become a thing of horror to all the kingdoms on earth. 26 Your carcasses will be food for all the birds and the wild animals, and there will be no one to frighten them away. 27 The Lord will afflict you with the boils of Egypt and with tumors, festering sores and the itch, from which you cannot be cured. 28 The Lord will afflict you with madness, blindness and confusion of mind. 29 At midday you will grope about like a blind person in the dark. You will be unsuccessful in everything you do; day after day you will be oppressed and robbed, with no one to rescue you.
25 “خداوند تمہا رے دشمنوں سے تمہیں شکست دلا ئے گا۔ تم اپنے دشمنوں کے خلا ف ایک راستہ سے جا ؤ گے لیکن ان کے سامنے سے سات راستوں سے بھا گو گے تم پر جو آفتیں آ ئیں گی وہ تمام زمین کے لوگوں کو خوف زدہ کرے گی۔
26 “تمہا ری لا شیں تمام جنگلی جانوروں اور پرندوں کی غذا بنیں گی۔ وہاں کو ئی آدمی انہیں ڈرا کر تمہا ری لا شوں سے بھگا نے وا لا نہ ہو گا۔
27 “وہ تم کو مصریو ں کی طرح ، طرح طرح کے زخموں ، پھو ڑا پھنسیوں، بواسیر اور کھجلی میں مبتلا کر کے سزا دیگا جن سے کے تم پھر کبھی اچھے نہیں ہو گے۔ 28 خداوند تمہیں پا گل بنا کر سزادے گا وہ تمہیں اندھا اور پریشان کرے گا۔ 29 تمہیں دن کی روشنی میں اندھے کی طرح اپنا راستہ ٹٹولنا پڑے گا تم جو کچھ کرو گے اس میں نا کام رہو گے لوگ تم پر بار بار چوٹ کریں گے اور تمہا ری چیزیں چرائیں گے۔ تمہیں بچانے وا لا وہاں کو ئی بھی نہیں ہو گا۔
My point of view about above verses
God told when you entered the land I promised to give you and have crossed Jordan – set up some large stones on Mount Ebal and coat them with plaster and write on them all the words of this law –
God want us that His laws and decrees which He gave should be before our eyes all the time so that we are inclined to implement to live a happy and joyful life
Following blessings and curses has to be pronounced from Mount Gerizim and Mount Ebal respectively – by Israelites tribes
God told about curses if you do not obey your Lord – you will be defeated by your enemies, you will be dead and your flesh will become food for birds and animals, you will have dieases which God brought on Egyptians, i'e' soares, boils, itching and tumors which can't be cured. you will become confused, mad and blind, can't see day light it will turn into darkness for you, you will not achieve anything , you will be robbed and oppressed and find no one to rescue you
How terrible it is for mankind to stand against God, their days and nights will be cursed and everything will be cursed what they are doing
As people of God we have to be resposible for our actions - if we obey His commandments, there are blessings for us - otherwise curses
Our God wants us to spend a joyful life on earth, only we need to follow what He says and believe me there is happiness around us - Righteous acts brings happiness for us - Lets do and enjoy life
-These are the orders given by God for our ultimate good and we all have to follow
May God give us wisdom to understand His Word and apply it in our lives
