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Listen !!!! God speaks

Writer: Riffat NazRiffat Naz

Date: November 16th, 2020

Source: Bible New International Version

Leviticus 27 verse 9-13

Redeeming What Is the Lord’s

9 “‘If what they vowed is an animal that is acceptable as an offering to the Lord, such an animal given to the Lord becomes holy. 10 They must not exchange it or substitute a good one for a bad one, or a bad one for a good one; if they should substitute one animal for another, both it and the substitute become holy. 11 If what they vowed is a ceremonially unclean animal—one that is not acceptable as an offering to the Lord—the animal must be presented to the priest, 12 who will judge its quality as good or bad. Whatever value the priest then sets, that is what it will be. 13 If the owner wishes to redeem the animal, a fifth must be added to its value.

(9)اور اگر وہ مَنّت کِسی اَیسے جانور کی ہے جِس کی قُربانی لوگ خُداوند کے حضُور چڑھایا کرتے ہیں تو جو جانور کوئی خُداوند کی نذر کرے وہ پاک ٹھہرے گا۔

(10)وہ اُسے پِھر کِسی طرح نہ بدلے ۔ نہ تو اچھّے کے عِوض بُرا دے اور نہ بُرے کے عِوض اچھّا دے اور اگر وہ کِسی حال میں ایک جانور کے بدلے دُوسرا جانور دے تو وہ اور اُس کا بدل دونوں پاک ٹھہریں گے۔

(11)اور اگر وہ کوئی ناپاک جانور ہو جِس کی قُربانی خُداوند کے حضُور نہیں گُذرانتے تو وہ اُسے کاہِن کے سامنے کھڑا کرے۔

(12)اور خواہ وہ اچھّا ہو یا بُرا کاہِن اُس کی قِیمت ٹھہرائے ۔ اور اَے کاہِن! جو کُچھ تُو اُس کا دام ٹھہرائے گا وُہی رہے گا۔

(13)اور اگر وہ چاہے کہ اُس کا فِدیہ دے کر اُسے چُھڑائے تو جو قِیمت تُو نے ٹھہرائی ہے اُس میں اُس کا پانچواں حِصّہ وہ اَور مِلا کر دے۔

My point of view about above verses

God told Israelite that if someone vow to give an animal to the God by his own free will - as giving something to God by Vow is not a command but a free will of a person - For instance a person vows that he will give a suitable clean animal to the God for sacrifice - He is not supposed to change it(as it is considered holy) with good or bad - if the animal is unclean which is not for sacrifice e.g. a donkey - that can be redeemed by owner - priest has to fix the price of redemption and owner has to add 1/5th of that value in the value fixed by the priest and can redeem it So God has set a value to redeem the unclean animals from the vow by paying a price

Let God give us wisdom to understand his word and apply in our lives

We need to live in this world as God wants us to live - we have to do what he is telling us to do- as it is in our advantage in the long run

May God bless all those who are obeying His commandments



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