Date: August 2nd, 2021
Source: Bible New International Version
Numbers 21 ; verse 16
16 From there they continued on to Beer, the well where the Lord said to Moses, “Gather the people together and I will give them water.”
16 بنی اسرا ئیلیوں نے اس جگہ کو چھو ڑا اور انہوں نے بیر ( کنواں) تک کا سفر کیا۔ یہ ایک کنواں تھا جس کے بارے میں خداوند نے موسیٰ سے کہا : “یہاں تمام لوگوں کو جمع کرو اور میں انہیں پانی دو ں گا۔”
My point of view about above verses
God told Moses gather people and I will give them water - He is provider - we need to trust Him by our hearts and souls - & He knows that what are our needs to survive
He is our provider and knows exactly what is our real requirements -
Let God give us wisdom to understand His word and help us to apply it in our lives
