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  • Writer's pictureRiffat Naz

Listen !!!! God speaks

Date: March 14th, 2023

Source: Bible New International Version

2Samuel ; Chapter 6 Verse 6-7

6 When they came to the threshing floor of Nakon, Uzzah reached out and took hold of the ark of God, because the oxen stumbled. 7 The Lord’s anger burned against Uzzah because of his irreverent act; therefore God struck him down, and he died there beside the ark of God.

6 جب داؤد کے لوگ نکون کے کھلیان میں آئے تو گائے ٹھو کر کھا گئی اور خدا کا مقدس صندوق گاڑی سے گر نے لگا عُزّہ نے مقدس صندوق کو پکڑ لیا۔ 7 لیکن خدا وند عُزّہ پر غصہ ہوا اور اس کو مار ڈا لا۔ عزہ نے خدا کی تعظیم نہیں کی جب اس نے مقدس صندوق کو چھوا۔ عزہ وہاں خدا کے صندوق کے پاس مر گیا۔

My point of view about above verses

When Uzzah took hold of the ark of God, God didn't like it and his anger burned against him so he struck him down and he died there beside the ark of God

We need to be holy to touch God's holy things and have reverence when go before Him

May God give us wisdom to understand Him through His Word as He speaks with us through this - and apply it in our lives to have a blissful life on earth

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