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  • Writer's pictureRiffat Naz

Listen !!!! God speaks

ساؤل کا داؤد سے ڈ رنا

10 دوسرے دن خدا کی طرف سے ایک بدروح نے ساؤل کو قابو کیا۔ وہ اپنے گھر میں وحشی ہو گیا۔ داؤد نے بر بط بجایا جیسا انہوں نے پہلے بجا یا تھا۔ اس وقت ساؤل کے ہا تھوں میں برچھا تھا۔ 11 ساؤل نے سو چا ، “میں بھا لا سے داؤد کو دیوار میں چپکا دو ں گا۔” ساؤل نے دو دفعہ داؤد پر بھا لا پھینکا لیکن داؤد دونوں دفعہ بچ گیا۔

My point of view about above verses

God became angry with Saul as he did not act fully on the instructions given by God

Wr need to obey God with our heart, mind, soul and body and do not offer him anything from loot

When Samuel anoint David in presence of his brothers- spirit of Lord came powerfully upon him

Spirit of Lord departed from Saul and an evil spirit from Lord tormented him

When evil spirit comes on Saul – David take up his lyre and play – Then relief comes to Saul and he would feel better and evil spirit leaves him

Evil spirit came on Saul forcefully from God and he tried to kill David as he was playing the lyre

May God give us wisdom to understand Him through His Word as He speaks with us through this - and apply it in our lives to have a blissful life on earth

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