Date: March 30th, 2023
Source: Bible New International Version
2Samuel ; Chapter 12 Verse 13 -14
13 Then David said to Nathan, “I have sinned against the Lord.”
Nathan replied, “The Lord has taken away your sin. You are not going to die. 14 But because by doing this you have shown utter contempt for the Lord, the son born to you will die.”
ناتن کا داؤد سے بات چیت کرنا
13 تب داؤد نے ناتن سے کہا ، “میں نے خداوند کے خلاف گناہ کیا ہے۔
ناتن نے داؤد سے کہا ، “حتیٰ کہ اس گناہ کے لئے بھی خداوند تمہیں معاف کرے گا۔ تم نہیں مرو گے۔ 14 لیکن تم جو چیز یں کیں ہیں اس کی وجہ سے دشمنوں نے خداوند کے لئے اپنی تعظیم کو کھو دیا ہے۔ اس لئے تمہا را نومو لود بیٹا مر جا ئے گا۔”
My point of view about above verses
David showed his love and reverence towards God - and God responded by making his name in the world and his kingdom in world will never cease - This is God's promise to David
When David bring Uriah’s wife to his house he displeased the Lord -
God became angry with David because he took the wife of Uriah the Hittite and killed him with the sword of Ammonites. God punished David and said Now therefore the sword will never depart from your house as you despised me
God told Nathan tell David that I will take your wives and gave to others and he will sleep with you wives in broad day light, I will do this this thing in broad daylight before all Israel
Nathan told David that Lord has taken away your sin – you are not going to die but the son born to you will die
God is just and He want everyone to obey Him fully - otherwise He punished
May God give us wisdom to understand Him through His Word as He speaks with us through this - and apply it in our lives to have a blissful life on earth