Date: July 24th , 2023
Source: Bible New International Version
1 Kings ; Chapter 20 Verse 28
35 By the word of the Lord one of the company of the prophets said to his companion, “Strike me with your weapon,” but he refused.
36 So the prophet said, “Because you have not obeyed the Lord, as soon as you leave me a lion will kill you.” And after the man went away, a lion found him and killed him.
ایک نبی کا اخی اب کے خلاف کہنا
35 نبیوں میں سے ایک نے دوسرے نبی سے کہا ، “ مجھے مار !” اس نے کہا کیوں کہ خدا وند نے حکم دیا تھا لیکن دوسرے نبی نے اس کو مارنے سے انکار کیا۔ 36 اس لئے پہلے نبی نے کہا ، “تم نے خدا وند کے حکم کی تعمیل نہیں کی۔ اس لئے ایک شیر ببر جب تم یہ جگہ چھو ڑوگے تم کو مار ڈالے گا۔” دوسرے نبی نے وہ جگہ چھو ڑی اور ایک شیر ببر نے اس کو مار ڈالا۔
My point of view about above verses
Its God who leads his people through his prophets - who spoke to kings on behalf of God - Our aim should be to stay in touch with Him to ask
So God never leaves us and help us in distress if our purposes are aligned with His will or purpose
Its God only who is all knowing and He tells us what to do and how to procced
One prophet told his companion strike me with your weapon as Lord told me to tell you but he refused to do so – so he said as soon as you leave me a lion will kill you – so as he left and lion killed him
- question is are we receptive to listen God so lets be in continous connection with Him to live a life He wants us to live - just to obey Him and wonders happen
May God give us wisdom to understand Him through His Word as He speaks with us through this - and apply it in our lives to have a blissful life on earth